English language essay writing
Personal Argument Essay Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Essay --
Presentation This consultancy report is routed to Walmart, the main global retail organization of the world intending to enter in as of late changed and transformed Indian retail area, where remote direct venture has been permitted penny percent in genuine terms. The report manages four indicated angles. Right off the bat political framework and danger of India is broke down from the point of view of Walmart. Next market potential is evaluated concerning openings and difficulties. Further exchange and speculation obstructions are definite concerning the perception of the World Bank. At last passage mode and area decision is prescribed for Walmart to work in India, where the feasible culturally diverse administration point is likewise made. Fundamental BODY Evaluating Political System and Risk Political hazard evaluation is an essential piece of global speculation by worldwide organizations, where political hazard all worries to the hazard that a host nation ctreate through its political choices that may be dterimental for on the achievement and endurance of the worldwide companyies in productive way. Negative political framework or arrangements may bring about drawbacks in the broad harm on account of transformation to those of an increasingly monetary nature, as the development of laws that put off the development of capital (Phung, 2009). Normally while putting resources into Indian market Walmart needs to close evaluate the feasible political hazard circumstance in the nation, from the viewpoint different components identifying with political hazard. As Dã ¶rrenbã ¤cher and Geppert .(2013) contend that worldwide organizations may be rearing justification for inner political weight in a host nation where battle for control in the midst of head quarters and their auxil iaries may dis... ...minate the exchange and speculation hindrances from the point of view of worldwide organizations, for example, Walmart. Thus, Walmart can trust a superior exchange and speculation condition in Indian. It can work with the legislature in the nation along with World Bank for arranging most extreme in support of its in the new strategy condition, Walmart has more chances and challlenges, yet openings likely could be abused uniquely on account of picking the correct passage mode. Walmart has two potential choices in the structures aquisition or making auxiliary in the nation. The previous would be similarly progressively powerful thinking about the chaotic idea of Indian retail area. The accomplishment of this worldwide organization in India will be to a great extent rely upon diverse administration, especially with regards to normalization versus adjustment whether the later can be suggested.
Friday, August 21, 2020
My Experience with Mother Hens and Their Families Essay Example for Free
My Experience with Mother Hens and Their Families Essay The reason for our asylum on the Virginia Eastern Shore is to give a home to chickens who as of now exist, as opposed to adding to the populace and along these lines lessening our ability to embrace more fowls. Consequently we don't permit our hens to bring forth their eggs in the spring and late-spring as they would somehow or another do, given their relationship with the chickens in our yard. The entirety of our feathered creatures have been embraced from circumstances of surrender or misuse, or, more than likely they were not, at this point needed or ready to be thought about by their past proprietors. Our two-section of land haven is a fenced open yard that conceals into tangled lush territories loaded up with trees, brambles, vines, undergrowth and the dirt chickens love to scratch in throughout the entire year. It likewise incorporates a few littler fenced walled in areas with chicken-wire rooftops, each with its own predator-evidence house, for chickens who are slanted to fly over wall during chick-incubating season, and in this manner be helpless against the raccoons, foxes, owls, possums and different predators occupying the forested areas and fields around us. I took in the most difficult way possible about the powerlessness of chickens to predators. Once, a hen named Eva, who had bounced the fence and been absent for half a month, returned toward the beginning of June with a brood of eight cushy chicks. This allowed me to watch legitimately a portion of the maternal conduct I had perused such a great amount about. We had embraced Eva into our asylum alongside a few different hens and a chicken appropriated during a cockfighting assault in Alabama. Watching Eva travel around the yard, outside the haven fence with her modest brood not far behind her, resembled viewing a group of wild flying creatures whose dull and brilliant plumes mixed impeccably with the forested areas and foliage they dissolved all through during the day. Intermittently, at the edge of the forested areas, Eva would crouch with her quills puffed out, and her peeping chicks would all run under the care of her for solace and warmth. A couple of moments later, the family wa s progressing once more. Since the beginning, hens have been adulated for their capacity to safeguard their young from an aggressor. I watched Eva do precisely this one day when a huge canine meandered before the magnolia tree where she and her chicks were searching. With her wings extended and bended menacingly toward the pooch, she surged at him again and again, chuckling boisterously, at the same time proceeding to push her chicks behind herself with her wings. The pooch stood stock stillâ before the energized mother hen, and before long strolled away, however Eva kept up her forceful stance of self-preservation, her sharp, dreary cluck and mindful post for a few minutes after he was no more. Eva’s conduct toward the pooch contrasted fundamentally from her conduct toward me, exhibiting her capacity to recognize a feasible predator and somebody she saw as introducing no desperate danger to her and her chicks. She definitely knew me from the asylum yard, and however I had never taken care of her separated from lifting her out of the case she’d showed up in from Alabama a while prior, when I began prudently following her and her family, to get the nearest conceivable perspective on them, the most she did when she saw me coming was break down with her brood into the forested areas or vanish under the magnolia tree. While she didn’t consider me to be especially perilous, she by and by kept up an attentive separation that, after some time, lessened to where she progressively brought her brood straight up to the asylum fence, moving toward the front strides of our home, and nearer and nearer to me however not very close at this time. At the point when she an d her chicks were all over town, and I called to her, â€Å"Hey, Eva,†she’d rapidly gaze toward me, ready and caution for a few seconds, before continuing her occupation. One morning, I looked outside hoping to see the little gathering in the dewy grass, yet they were not there. Realizing that mother raccoons lurked daily searching for nourishment for their own youths in the late spring, I tragically derived they were the imaginable explanation that I never observed my dear Eva and her chicks again. Inside the asylum, I broke the no chick-incubating rule only a single time. After coming back from an excursion of a few days, I found that Daffodil, a delicate white hen with a sweet face and calm way, was settled somewhere down toward the side of her home in a home she’d arranged from the straw sheet material on the soil floor. Seeing there were just two eggs under her, and dreading they may contain undeveloped organisms develop enough to have very much evolved sensory systems by at that point, I disregarded her. Half a month later on a warm day in June, I was dispersing new straw in the house close to hers, when out of nowhere I heard the most modest peeps. Thinking a sparrow was gotten inside, I ran toâ guide the fowl out. However, those peeps were not from a sparrow; they emerged from Daffodil’s corner. Modifying my eyes, I looked down into the dull spot where Daffodil was, and there I observed the wellspring of the minor voice a little yellow face with dim brilli ant eyes was looking out of her quills. I stooped down and gazed into the essence of the chick who looked eagerly back at me, before it concealed itself, at that point looked out once more. I looked carefully into Daffodil’s face too, knowing as a matter of fact that looking at chickens is pivotal to framing a trusting, inviting relationship with them. In the event that chickens see individuals just from the angle of boots and shoes, and individuals don’t look at them without flinching and converse with them, no obligation of companionship will be framed among human and winged creature. I’ve seen this distinction communicated between hens we’ve embraced into our asylum from an egg creation office, for instance, and chickens brought to us as youthful winged creatures or as someone’s previous pet. Previous egg-industry hens will in general glance back at me, not with that sharp, brilliant, direct focal point of a completely sure chicken, however with a careful haziness that no uncertainty to some extent mirrors their having spent their whole past lives in confines or on jam-packed floors in dull, dirtied structures that for all time influenced their eyes before going to our asylum. Mentally, it’s as though they’ve pulled down a little drapery among themselves and individuals that doesn't forestall kinship however imbues their recuperation with a settled strain of dread. I’ll say all the more regarding these hens by and by. From the absolute initial, an enormous red chicken named Francis normally visited Daffodil and her chick in their settling spot, and Daffodil acted upbeat and substance to have him there. Every now and again, I discovered him discreetly sitting with her and the little chick, who mixed around them two, all through their quills. Despite the fact that chickens will mate with more than one hen in the group, a chicken and a hen will likewise frame bonds so solid that they will won't mate with any other person. Might it be able to be that Francis was the dad of this chick and that he and Daffodil knew it? He positively was exceptionally and personally engaged with the pair, and it wasn’t as if he was the head of theâ flock, the person who directed the entirety of the hens and different chickens and was in this way satisfying his obligation in that job. Or maybe, Francis appeared to be essentially to be an individual from this specific family. For the remainder of the late spring, Daffodil and her chick shaped a sort of charmed hover with a sacred space all around themselves, as they wandered together in the yard, undisturbed by different chickens. Not once did I see Francis or any of different chickens attempt to mate with Daffodil during the time she was raising her playful chick the little one I named Daisy who grew up to be Sir Daisy, a huge, attractive chicken with white and brilliant earthy colored quills.
Friday, July 10, 2020
Civil War Essay Samples
Civil War Essay SamplesAlthough writing a college-level essay in the field of Civil War history requires much more than an average high school student could ever achieve, there are plenty of valuable resources available to help with your essay writing. There are many essay samples that can help you write your Civil War essay.There are plenty of tools and exercises that can be used during your summer field training or your senior seminar. These essays can come from your professor, your instructor, or a professional writer. You can find essay samples on the Internet. For example, you may want to find Civil War article examples online or at your local library.Many writers use essay samples in order to practice their own style. You can also obtain some essays by searching on Google or using a word search. These sample essays can be useful for improving your own writing skills. It will help to revise your essay writing style so that it is both interesting and accurate.If you decide to sub mit your essay to a college or university, you should have no problem finding a Civil War essay sample on the Internet. You can find these essays online or at your local library. You can even purchase them from the Internet to use in your next essay.It is easy to use these essay samples for your education. As an educator, you should be able to read several essays and use the paragraphs in your own writing. The most common approach is to make slight changes in your own essay that will help you learn about the Civil War.Although writing a Civil War essay can be a lot of fun, you do not have to be concerned about the facts in your writing. Just make sure that you find out as much as you can about the Civil War and the soldiers who fought in it. You can gather thisinformation by researching the lives of the soldiers, their families, and their parents.When you begin reading Civil War essay samples, you will see that most are about one particular period. Your goal should be to make your C ivil War essay better than the next. Use your imagination and create a new experience for yourself by thinking of the Civil War through your own eyes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Story of Nature Desire The Storm by Kate Chopin - 1288 Words
Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm†: Story of Nature Desire Naturalism is about bringing humans into the â€Å"natural world†. We, as humans, are seen as aspects of nature collectively not separate like they once were. â€Å"Naturalism holds that everything we are and do is connected to the rest of the world and derived from conditions that precede us and surround us. Each of us is an unfolding natural process, and every aspect of that process is caused, and is a cause itself †(â€Å"A Guide for Naturalism†). Humans are like â€Å"animals†they contain the same drives that animals have. They are just plain â€Å"natural†. Many authors express naturalism in their writings such as Kate Chopin. She expresses a naturalistic view on sexual drives which classify her as a†¦show more content†¦The main focus of this short story is desire. The desire shown by both Calixta and Alcà ©e for each other is obvious. Many people during the time this short story was written would look at it as being â€Å"dirty†or filthy. They would look at the affair as being dishonest and unlawful; similar to the way that some of us today. However, the way Chopin expresses the affair is not at all a sense of guilty. She presences it as if it was something that happens often and that it is a natural thing that humans do. Sexual desire is a natural aspect of people’s lives. Even though she is a strong feminist, she does not limit these sexual desires to just the female character, Calixta. She also dives deep into the desires of a man as well. â€Å"Both males and females, she seems to tell us, are complex creatures whom have no choice but to discover their passion, in spite of risks, confusion, and guilt. (Bloom 81)†. According to Per Seyersted, â€Å"sex in this story is a force as strong, inevitable, and natural as the Louisiana storm which ignites it†(Koloski 145). She observes sex as being a natural thing that cannot be avoided in or outside of wedlock (Koloski 147). She writes as if this affair was unavoidable to the drives between the two characters. In this story, Seyersted says, Kate Chopin was not interested in the immoral in itself, but in life as it comes, in what she saw as natural--or certainly inevitable--expressions ofShow MoreRelatedThe Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin886 Words  | 4 Pages In Kate Chopin â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the reader is presented with the theme of prohibited independence. In Kate Chopin â€Å"The Storm†, the scenery in this story builds the perfect atmosphere for an adulterous affair. The importance of these stories is to understand the era they occurred. Kate Chopin wrote stories with exceptional openness about sexual desires. In â€Å"The Storm†, a short story written by Kate Chopin in a time when women were expected to act a certain way and sexual cravings was consideredRead MoreFeminity and Sexual Desires in The Storm by Kate Chopin704 Words  | 3 Pages The Storm is a story Written by Kate Chopin. The time at which the story was set is in the 19th century. The story was set in Louisiana and in real sense, Louisiana is a place that is best known for violent storms. The story is about is a confrontation of the theme of femininity and complexities of the married people in the storm. The storm is used throughout the story, and it only ends after the characters, Alcee and Calixta’s sexual encounter, which brings out the theme of femininity, and sexualRead MoreThe Storm By Kate Chopin Essay1508 Words  | 7 Pages Kate Chopin was an American author who wrote the short story â€Å"The Storm†. It takes place somewhere down in Louisiana at a general store and at the house of Calixta, Bobinot who is the wife of Calixta, and their son Bibi. The other character in the story is the friend of Calixta, Alcee Laballiere. 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Kate Chopin using the theme of feminism in her stories, â€Å"The Awakening†, â€Å"The Storm†, and â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†whereRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s The Storm 915 Words  | 4 PagesSeptember 30, 2015 Analysis of Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm†â€Å"The Storm†by Kate Chopin is a story of passion and desire where morality has no home when it comes to love, sex, and marriage. â€Å"The Storm†as the title implies, tells a story about Calixta a married woman who has an affair with Alcee, a former beau who is also married. As the storm approaches so does Alcee riding upon his horse and he asks â€Å"May I come in and wait on your gallery till the storm is over, Calixta?†(Chopin , pg 121). She allows himRead More Comparison of Ripe Figs, The Story of an Hour, and The Storm by Kate Chopin1074 Words  | 5 PagesComparison of Ripe Figs, The Story of an Hour, and The Storm by Kate Chopin In the three short works, Ripe Figs, The Story of an Hour, and The Storm, Kate Chopin has woven into each an element of nature over which no one has control. She uses short time spans to heighten impact and bring her stories to quick conclusions. She displays attitudes in her characters in two of her stories which may have been very controversial at the time they were written. Ripe Figs is the shorter ofRead MoreThe Storm by Kate Chopin1332 Words  | 6 Pagesnoticed about Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Storm,†is that it is utterly dripping with sexual imagery and symbolism. Our heroine, if you will, seems to be a woman with normally restrained passions and a well-defined sense of propriety, who finds herself in a situation that tears down her restraint and reveals the vixen within. I wonder if it was intentional that the name Calixta makes me think of Calypso – the nymph from Greek mythology. If half of the sexual symbolism I found in this story was intentiona lRead MoreThe Storm by Kate Chopin1238 Words  | 5 PagesKate Chopin is writing so many great stories about whatever she sees. Kate has many Wonderful stories such as, (The Storm, Desiree’s Baby, A Pair of Silk Stocking, A Respectable Woman, and The Story of an Hour). There is one story in particular that catches my mind which is â€Å"The Storm†. 0In Kate chopins era, women are seen as nothing more than a wife and have to stay with their husband for life. Chopin shows a dramatic scene between Alcee and Calixta during the time of a storm that is passing byRead MoreEssay on Marriage According to Kate Chopin868 Words  | 4 Pages Kate Chopin is an experienced short story writer from the beginning of the 1900s, who was ahead of her time due to her amazing ability to take such complex characters that are easy to identify with and create amazing short stories in such a small amount of space. Marriage is a common theme in her stories, because a wife was a defining role in womens lives back then. The only thing is, marriage is not always shown to be flowery and romantic like writings before her. She looked at the painfullyRead MoreThe Storm780 Words  | 4 PagesKate Chopin#8217;s short story #8220;The Storm#8221; describes an encounter of infidelity between two lovers during a brief thunderstorm. The story alludes to the controversial topic of women#8217;s sexuality and passion, which during Chopin#8217;s time no one spoke about much less wrote about. So controversial was #8220;The Storm,#8221; that it was not published until after her death in eighteen ninety-nine. The story is broken up into five sectio ns, each filled with small clues and hints
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Corruption Within the Criminal Justice System - 3675 Words
Corruption within the Criminal Justice System I have always had a strong passion for the criminal justice system especially policing. Even as a student at Jessie Jensen Elementary I remember picking police officers for Career Day. However, my admiration for police officers has become pure disappointment. Corruption has become a major issue within police departments. Unfortunately more and more police officers are being lured into committing corrupt acts. Although corruption with in the criminal justice system has always been around, it is now more evident than ever. Policing in the United States has been around since the early nineteenth century (Siegal and Senna 154). Even in the early nineteenth century corruption with in†¦show more content†¦It is obvious that police officers are using their jobs as law enforcers to obtain illegal items and are shamefully betraying their police departments. The policemen who were involved in this drug smuggle were veterans. When people think of veterans, whether it be a veteran of war or a veteran of a police department, we think of someone who has devoted many years, served and been loyal to the service. People have admiration for veterans and recognize them for being committed to the service as well as being faithful to every year they have been involved in it. Now the four veteran police officers from Chicago will be spending time in prison instead of adding more years to the service of policing. Those years that the veteran police officers were dedicated to the policing is now history, they could have helped lower crime rates in Chicago, but instead they are facing priso n time. So much corruption within police departmentsShow MoreRelatedThe Criminal Justice System Is The Law Of The Land1380 Words  | 6 PagesThe criminal justice system as a whole can be looked at in numerous ways depending on the sub category you want to approach, whether it be the federal law, law enforcement or correctional programs. In most eyes, the federal law is the law of the land and by that it provides a stable community of rules that everyone must follow with efficiency while providing public safety. With that comes the enforcement of the law, the most common being police. In essence majority of the united states looks at theRead MoreThe Extreme Justice League By Michael Barnett1244 Words  | 5 Pagesextreme justice league. The extreme justice league consists of middle ages men and women who are real life superheroes. Each of theses superheroes has various backgrounds of being victims or affected by violence or assault or have had a troublesome upbringing. 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Twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year, this division of our government has a mandate to enforce the criminal law and preserve public peace. Understood in this mandate is an obligation to police everyday life matters that originate in the daily lives and activities of citizens within their community. Police interact in some form with the average citizen more often than any other government official. In society today the police playRead MoreEssay Ethics in Criminal Justice1263 Words  | 6 PagesETHICS IN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRJ 306 – INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE KRISTA L. JONES PROFESSOR COURTNEY SEVERINO July 29, 2013 Ethics in Criminal Procedure and Criminal Justice Actions and inactions all have moral implications; they are either right or wrong depending on the individual and what s/he believes or feels is right or wrong. Each person’s conduct can and does have implications and ramifications. 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Ethical Principles in Medical Decision Making Essay Example For Students
Ethical Principles in Medical Decision Making Essay In order for the interests of family members to be taken into account in medical decision making, I think that two principles have to be balanced. I think that patient autonomy and respect for persons have to be a part of every medical decision that an individual makes. The two principles are obviously going to come into conflict with one another in the decision making process, in which case autonomy should have more weight over the respect for persons principle. I do not agree with John Hardwigs presumption of equality. Humans are just not wired to think that way, and the decision making process would become much too complicated as physicians became involved in the dynamics of families, attempting to morally and equally weigh the interests of patients and their families. Physicians have enough to consider as it is, as it is difficult enough determining which treatments and options will best benefit each patients values and interests. Hardwig had the moral reasons for presumption of equality, but no solid explanations as to how the principle could be implemented. Patient autonomy would have to be sacrificed in order for the idea of presumption of equality to be honored. I think that the interests of family members and those close to an individual should always be taken into consideration, but not necessarily given equal importance. Naturally family members can persuade, support, and participate in discussion and the joint decision making process, but when there is a conflict between autonomy and respect for the interests of family members, autonomy wins out. The role of the physician, then, should be to respect patient autonomy by discussing possible treatments and providing all of the necessary information the patient needs to make an informed and autonomous decision as usual. In addition to this responsibility, doctors ought to also be trained to initiate discussion with the patient of their rights and responsibilities and encouraging patients to examine the moral implications and impact that their medical decisions will have on the family. If conflict between a patients decision and familys interests arises, the physician should respect the patients choice and right to be autonomous. #3)In Helga Wanglies case, the physicians should have been allowed to withdraw from the case. Ackerman argues that the decision of whether or not treatment is beneficial to the patient is an ethical one, and has little to do with medical expertise. However, in order to make treatment decisions based on values, one must first have a general idea of what those values are. Mrs. Wanglie left no advanced directives to specify what she would have wanted, and the initial admission made by her husband revealed that the couple had never discussed what her desires would be should she ever become dependent on a respirator. In the absence of clear and convincing evidence of the patients values, as well as a lack of information on which to base substituted judgment, the desires of an average reasonable person should be examined. As argued by Miles, a large majority of elderly patients prefer not to receive respirator support in circumstances of irreversible unconsciousness. Most would find that the burdens of this prolonged treatment outweigh the possible, albeit highly unlikely benefit of a return to consciousness. This view is similar to that of the physicians, who found Mrs. Wanglies treatment to be non-beneficial because the respirator could not heal her, prevent her from suffering, or enable her to experience the life it ultimately prolonged. The treatment not only failed to physically benefit Mrs. Wanglie, but detracts from the common good of the community as the insurance premiums members pay provide for Mrs. Wanglies non-beneficial treatment. The physicians view is closer to the truth in this case. The medical care provided could no longer benefit Mrs. Wanglie, and without substantial proof that she would prefer to be kept alive under such circumstances, it is inappropriate to prolong treatment that does not achieve any sort of beneficial result beyond sustaining an irreversible coma. .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .postImageUrl , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:hover , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:visited , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:active { border:0!important; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:active , .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u17e3e291e2eed3b7fbcaed9cf90b045e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Study of Linguistics Essay #4)In the Cruzan case, the biggest hurdle that had to be cleared was proving that Nancy would want nutrition and hydration removed in a clear and concise manner. Ultimately it was this key issue that was responsible .
Thursday, April 23, 2020
W.R.1 - Inquiry Activity Essays - Jewish Cuisine, Diets,
W.R.1 - Inquiry Activity Many people fail to realise that dietary laws actually do exist in our society. In many religions there are great restrictions and guidelines that must be followed when it comes to food selection which dates back to the biblical era. Kashrut (the Jewish dietary laws) is a perfect example of these laws. There are however other issues that affect our choice in food including our moral and ethical values, health reasons, self discipline and of course social reasons. Hypothesis What affect do dietary laws have on the food selection and consumption of Jews? Definition of Terms Affect- to act on or influence. Dietary Laws- Laws (usually religious) that control and persuade a certain religion or race on their choice of food. Selection- a choice Consumption- the act of consuming Consume- to use or absorb all of something Jew- a person of Judaic race or religion Method 1. On Friday 5th February I searched the Internet for information on "Jewish Dietary Laws". 2. On Saturday 6th February I searched the Internet for information on "Kashrut". 3. On Monday 8th February I searched the Internet for information on "religion". 4. On Thursday 11th February I searched the Internet for information On "Judaism" 5. On Saturday 13th February I read through various Encyclopedias and dictionaries for meanings of words and to look up Judaism. 6. On Sunday 14th February I searched the Internet for information on Religious Practices and Beliefs and also on Kosher Restaurants. Kashrut is the Dietary Laws of the Jewish. These laws come from the bible and have been elaborated on over the years. For those observant Jews, Kashrut controls the selection, consumption and preparation of all food. When most people eat, it is an instinctive thing. Rarely do you think about it when you grab something to eat. Jews however who obey the Kashrut laws make regular choices about the food that they eat. Many believe that these Dietary Laws make you less instinctive because you are constantly contemplating everything that you do and therefore go through life as a more observant person. Those practicing Judaism are allowed to eat meat as long as the animal has cloven hooves and chews its cud. This does not include pigs of course, rabbits, dogs, cats, horses and whales. The laws however allow them to eat lamb, beef, venison, mutton, goat, turkey, chicken and doves. The reason these animals are eaten is partly because of their symbolism. Animals with split hooves are seen as tranquil and domesticated with no natural weapons and these are the characteristics that the Jewish wishes to absorb when they eat. They refuse to eat scavengers, carnivores or birds of prey because they do not admire these characteristics. The Jewish Dietary Laws define food as either "kosher" (right, proper, fit) or "trefah" (torn, unclean, forbidden) . I believe that these would be the spiritual influences behind the Jew's choice of food for they believe that they will absorb the animals good characteristics once they have eaten the animal. Milk dishes must also be cooked and eaten separately to meat dishes. It is not known why this is, but it states in the bible several times " a kid may not be cooked in his mothers milk" It is believed that this is the reason why Hebrews did not participate in pagan rituals of animal sacrifice. Between a milk meal (a meal containing dairy products) and a meat meal a person MUST either rinse out their mouth or eat a morsel of bread. There is no waiting period for this but if the meat was consumed first then a person must wait at least three hours before consuming a meal containing milk. In most homes there are two sets of utensils and dishes, one for milk meals and the other for meat. These are used, stored and cleaned separately as is the table linen as the bible says. At any Jewish wedding alcohol has always been popular, traditionally being a glass of wine or a glass of schnapps. The glass raised today however seems to be entirely different to that of the past. Now instead of simply wine and schnapps at weddings there are full bars with every type of alcohol imaginable. This would be a social reason that has expanded over the
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